Friday, April 14, 2017

Turbocharging SAP Hybris with SAP HANA

In my current work with Hybris, in most implemented solutions, scalability challenges come at persistent layers where there is a little say over data management (due to Item modelling created within the persistence layer in hybris) to normalize/optimize the database. To overcome it, I am currently trying to utilize SAP HANA, which is a relational database offering benefits of NoSql databases as well (as it is a RAM residing database which offers instantaneous data results akin to other OLAP offerings).

First, I sign up with SAP Cloud Platform which is currently offering a full scale HANA instance for 12 hrs (you would need to restart the instance). After this, I can create a database on the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit as well as view my login credentials.

Next, I set that up on my local machine via eclipse. To use eclipse, one needs to install hana library (which I did via this update site : on my Eclipse Neon).

Here I can see various infrastructure related things that can be modified to set the database level user management as well as utilize Hana for other things like predictive analysis, real-time machine learning from the available data, etc.

Now that our connection has succeded, we can create a little jdbc application to test the credentials that we used to confirm whether we can connect with the database. We will need to have the Hana java driver in the classpath to make this happen.


It is worth mentioning that as the database is tunneled via the Hana viewer, the host becomes localhost:30015 and the user name/password is the one that you have set for the database instance (not the S/P user ID that SAP gave you or the userd id of the SAP Hana Cloud instance)

After this, we can trivially set this up on Hybris via the following db configuration in


Start the Hybris and initialize it (note the DB name in the following image)

After initialization, you can use Hybris as an e-Commerce/CRM solution and utilize HANA as its extremely fast and fault-tolerant backend system.
My experience was that it was not as blazingly fast as it is portrayed to be, but then I am just using a 2MbPS connection but YMMV.

What was your experience ? Do let me know in the comments below or shout out to me @sumitbbd your experiences.

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