Wednesday, January 18, 2017

JRebel alternatives for SAP Hybris

Developers hoping to accelerate their Hybris debugging time while skipping the time consuming steps of ant clean all - server start and then debugging can do so with DCEVM and change code on the fly basis and view it on the browser without having to restart hybris.


  • Reduced time to carry out trivial changes.
  • Faster development cycle.
  • Flexibility in trying out features.
  • Increased server uptime.

Step-by-step guide

Login into and view the following page for this:

Although the steps are mentioned in the hybris help, this post is done to incorporate other changes that we faced here in Eperium.
  1. Download the light installer from
  2. Open cmd from start menu and right-click 'Run as Administrator' (as there are no sudo user console otherwise in Windows)
  3. cd to location where DCEVM jar is present and run java -jar DCEVM-light***-installer.jar 
  4. Run the install DCEVM as altjvm for your JDK
  5. If there is an permission error, you need to check if jar was run with admin privledges (see point #2 above)
  6. If there is an error 'could not get dceversion of ..' , then download a different version (try older and stable versions from step #1 above)
  7. Add the following to
tomcat.debugjavaoptions=-XXaltjvm=dcevm -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=n

Do an ant to update configurations in the embedded tomcat server (used by Hybris) and run Hybris server in debug mode. Now connect Eclipse with it as remote process.